Monday, September 13, 2010

Meet Me Monday

Just a few random questions about me on this Monday.

1. What is your favorite kind of potato chip?
Middleswarth Barbeque. There's an “A” in their name, and “A-quality” in their product. They are definitely the most delicious things in the entire world. I would happily stick a bag on my face like one of those feed-bags they use for horses. No joke.

2. Do you make your bed everyday?
If you call pulling the covers up so it doesn't look like a giant mess “making” the bed, then yes. I really should work on tucking things in a little better, though. But, sadly, that's not one of my strong-suits.

3. How often do you go to the hair salon?
Um... I used to go every 4-6 weeks, but I haven't been doing that lately. My hair is doing just fine. I like letting it get a little longer. I do need to go get my eyebrows done sometime soon, though.

4. What do you dip your French fries in?
Not ketchup. Either ranch dressing or barbeque sauce. The other day, actually, I dipped my fries in some “real hot” wing sauce. Needless to say, my mouth was on fire— but in a really good way.

5 Do you shop with coupons?
Heck yes. I even email companies and tell them how much I like their product just so they'll send me coupons in the mail.

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