Wednesday, September 15, 2010

That's Why You Park by the Thingy

How would you react to this?

You just had a great experience at the grocery store. You got all of your essential items, and you even got a few things on sale. You walk up to a register, and the cashier recognizes you.

"Hello!" she says cheerfully.

"Hello!" you reply with an amount of cheer only rivaled by the cashier's.

She rings up your items, and you pay. Then you go happily on your way with the bags in your cart.

You walk out to your vehicle (which is parked right next to the cart corral) and start putting your groceries in the back. Another vehicle pulls up next to you. You see the guy that collects the carts out of the corner of your eye.

"Remember to put your cart away!" he yells at you.

"Are you talking to me?" you say.

"Yeah!" he yells back. "Everyone leaves their carts all around the parking lot. I'm sick and tired of pushing them all around."

"But isn't that what they pay you for?" you ask.


Oh, you got him now.

1 comment:

  1. As a paid cart pusher for a summer I can stick up for the guy, carts all around the parking lot and blocking spaces are a huge pet peeve of mine. Though my store had some rather elderly cart pushers, a large hill, and a ditch at the end, so maybe his wasn't as bad. :D
