Monday, August 16, 2010

A Whole New World

Big important things are happening. My world is doing a little bit of exploding. And it's the good kind of exploding. It's time for me to share just how awesome I am with the rest of the world. (Because, really, it's selfish for me to keep all of this awesomeness to myself.)

I'm excited to report that I'll be teaching Composition 101 at the local community college this semester. I'm pumped because I love writing, I love people, and I love yakking in front of crowds.

But I'm also a little nervous.

Their education is in my hands. I can't screw up. If they can't write when I'm finished with them, it'll be all my fault. I want to make it fun. I want to make it exciting. But I need to make them learn.

It's an 8am class. How much learning will they do at 8am? How awake will I be at 8am?

I want to take them to the library. I want to take them to the art gallery. I want to get at least a few of them to love writing as much as I do. Is that asking too much?

Oh, probably.

I just want to make a difference.

The class is already going to make a difference for me. I called a lady today about an apartment! Imagine me with my own sweet pad. (Granted, it used to belong to Donna... and it seems like I've been following Donna around for the last two years. But that's another post all together.) And the only reason I think I can do this apartment thing is because of the extra buckazoids I'll be making from this teaching gig.

Everything happens for a reason. The universe is one big puzzle, and we shouldn't question how the pieces fall together.

The apartment is sweet. It's got an upstairs! It's got room for me to paint! It has RED CARPET in the bedroom. It is ten minutes from work.

I'm taking off like a rocket. Just over a year ago I was a confused grad student with a dead-end part-time job in a bank. I didn't know what I wanted or what I was doing. And now I've got a job that I love, an opportunity to teach, an amazing partner cheering me on, and a whole new world on my horizon.

So I guess I've already made a difference.


  1. Congratulations! What a fun transition in your life. Enjoy the positive changes!

  2. Yay! Happy for you!
